Phantom Technology Solutions Blog

Phantom Technology Solutions has been serving the Indiana area since 2010, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

4 Ways to Develop Camaraderie for Your Remote Workers

4 Ways to Develop Camaraderie for Your Remote Workers

A lot of people are still working remotely these days, and while those who work in the office might look at remote workers with envy, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows for the remote worker. One of the things that remote employees miss most about the office environment is developing relationships and camaraderie with their coworkers. To help lessen this impact and to make your remote employees feel like they are still a part of the team, here are four ways you can still develop camaraderie with your remote employees.

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Managing Your Remote Staff Correctly Has Major Benefits

Managing Your Remote Staff Correctly Has Major Benefits

With remote work standing front and center for the past couple of years, it’s no wonder that a conversation has begun about the benefits and shortcomings of it. It is now clear that remote work is something that is not going away anytime soon. Let’s take a look at how businesses might retain remote operations without making too many sacrifices in the process.

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What You Need to Successfully Work from Home

What You Need to Successfully Work from Home

When you work from home for any length of time, you’ll come to understand that there are certain things that you need in order to get your job done. Depending on the type of work you do, you could need different tools. Today, let’s take a look at some of the most important tools your business can use to find success with a remote workforce. 

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When a business uses the cloud for any reason, its cloud solutions and resources must be sufficiently reliable. Let’s examine what it is that makes the cloud reliable, and how to ensure you accomplish this essential baseline.

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Phantom Technology Solutions
5097 N 600 E
Rolling Prairie, Indiana 46371

FAX: 574-968-1790

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